So, It's Monday! No mustaches today. Nope. Sorry. Today I grace your mind with realism. I have a lot to say, and a lot of things that often are left festering up in my mind, which is one reason I have this bloggie blog here. With that said, I do try to find some happyhappyjoyjoy things to amuse you with, while also giving you a little dose of reality squeezed in. So, here goes it...
I have been thinking a lot recently about relationships. Not mine with my boo (we are fabulous, thank you, always have been, always will be), relationships with friends, co workers, family, people outside of our immediate household, and the way that a traditional relationship should work.
According to the worldwideweb and most of the peeps out there in this insanity, most people believe relationships should be 50/50. However, I think it needs to be 100/100. How are you supposed to have a relationship with someone who is only willing to put in half of the work? Why are you constantly challenged to put forth your all in the relationship when the other does not reciprocate?
In this crazyinsaneworld we all get busy, we all have lives, families, jobs, obligations, and priorties. With understanding that, when we get so caught up and forget to call just to say, "Hi," why is it, that the other person is upset because you have not called or made plans. Is it right for them to be upset? NO. In a 100/100 relationship you both have the ability to pick up the phone and call. You BOTH have the ability to take the step in "watering" your relationship in hopes that it "grows." But do you really want to put in that effort to watch your friendship bloom? Or are you, in it for when it is convient for you? Because FYI convience and relationships is no way to nurture something, it is a way to slaughter it.
So it is at this point in my life, that I ask myself : How much do I give and give just to be put on the back burner? When am I allowed to called this so-called "relationship" quits? When will this person stop making everything about them, and actually put some effort in our relationship?
: When am I allowed to walk away and never look back? :
And the answer is : Now!
After way to many attempts, as a human, you are allowed to back out. You are not admitting defeat, you are simply letting others know that your relationships that you currently have, are real, and will never be based on convience, judging, games or spite.
As for me : I don't have to participate in relationships that out of convience. I participate in relationships that are recriprocated. I don't have to help others just because I am a nice person. I want to help others because I am a good person. I may not have a thousand friends. But the friends and family I do have (ones that have shown our relationship is NOT based on know who you are) are genuine, loyal, honest, and up front. No games are played, and no sides are taken. All who want the relationship, participate, and they participate 120%. It is part of being an adult, part of being a person with morals, and values. I know these kind of people are hard to come across these days, but look hard enough and out of every onehundredpeople, I bet you will find one that may meet this criteria. Good luck in your search!
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